Monday 19 November 2012

Kolb's Learning Cycle

After looking at Kolb's learning cycle the diagram was easy to read and was a great way of capturing the reader visually to understand the process having it been broken down. It involves a concrete experience which is doing or having experience, Reflective Observation which is reviewing /reflecting on the experience, abstract conceptualization concluding/learning from the experience and active experimentation planning/trying out what you have learned. I couldn't help but identify this diagram with an experience I had when teaching a dance class, which I wrote about in my journal.
My "Concrete experience" was watching a music video and the style of dancers in the background was "house dancing" this gave me a great idea to choreograph a routine for my class."The reflective observation" was me researching you tube videos of "house dancers" and how they moved. "The abstract Conceptualisation" was me trialing out house moves to music and choreographing a dance in the style of "house" to teach my students  "The Active experimentation" was me planning my teaching material and counts in order for me to teach my students.

Overall the class went really well and the class was really enthusiastic to learn this new style of dance I taught them. Until looking at Kolb's way of learning I didn't really acknowledge my process of learning but I have found this a great tool for reflecting on my experiences, and how I approach them in the future.

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